Top Publishers Earning $75,000 per Month with Mobile Pay-Per-Call

Phone money On Business Wire yesterday we announced record growth in pay-per-call campaigns driven by mobile publishers. Since Q1 this year call volume from mobile campaigns is up by more than 500% with top publishers earning up to $75,000 per month on mobile pay-per-call campaigns. So it is definitely no secret that publishers are benefiting from driving significant amounts of qualified traffic to advertisers via mobile pay-per-call campaigns.

But it isn't all just about volume. Call quality and conversion rates are what advertisers and publishers really care about. As noted in the press release, conversion rates are as high as 47% on individual mobile pay-per-call campaigns, and the average conversion rate on verticals such as insurance and home services are in the range of 20-30%.

This year, growing numbers of publishers have gotten on board with leveraging mobile as a distribution channel and advertisers are also reaping the benefit with millions of dollars in new revenue. In conjunction with the news today, we released our latest case study which details how Mobile Posse (a mobile pay-per-call publisher) is seeing success in this channel. Mobile Posse’s success comes in the form of their subscription-based application that targets a highly engaged user base of about 4 million. Through their application they are able to present their users with relevant and targeted pay-per-call promotions that allow the users to directly engage with advertisers in just a single click.

Are you on board with mobile advertising and pay-per-call yet?  If so, what is working for you?
If you haven’t tried pay-per-call with mobile yet, why not?